UNL Global Studies

Week 8: Midterms, Papers, and Global Cafe
Week 8: Midterms, Papers, and Global Cafe

Week 8: Midterms, Papers, and Global Cafe

Next two weeks are about making sure you take the time to study, work on your projects, and utilize your time effectively. Before you know it spring break will be here. But if you need a break and want to learn about a really important issue join us for our second Global Cafe on Thursday at 3:30PM.


STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Mandy Schnakenberg

STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Mandy SchnakenbergMeet Mandy Schnakenberg, Global Studies major with minors in Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs and History. Mandy is a senior and will be graduating this May. After graduation Mandy hopes to work for an NGO or to teach English in Japan. Continue reading…

FINAL chance to apply for Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship
FINAL chance to apply for Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship

FINAL chance to apply for Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship

This scholarship aims to diversify the kinds of students who study and intern abroad and the countries and regions where they go by offering awards to undergraduates who might otherwise not participate due to financial constraints. DUE March 1st. Up to $5,000 and $8,000 (for critical languages). Continue reading…

More details at: http://www.iie.org/programs/gilman-scholarship-program
International Opportunities Fair
International Opportunities Fair

International Opportunities Fair

Wednesday, March 9th 11AM-1PM in Nebraska Union
This event will focus on going abroad beyond UNL and will feature information on internships. teaching, work and volunteer opportunities.

LSAT Workshop
LSAT Workshop

LSAT Workshop

Wednesday, March 2nd 5-6PM in Love Library South 224.

Pre-Law students of all grade levels are encouraged to attend this presentation on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). Continue reading…

Originally published February 29, 2016 - Submit an Item