Next two weeks are about making sure you take the time to study, work on your projects, and utilize your time effectively. Before you know it spring break will be here. But if you need a break and want to learn about a really important issue join us for our second Global Cafe on Thursday at 3:30PM.
Meet Mandy Schnakenberg, Global Studies major with minors in Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs and History. Mandy is a senior and will be graduating this May. After graduation Mandy hopes to work for an NGO or to teach English in Japan. Continue reading…
Global Cafe: The Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Discussion
Join us for our second Global Cafe with the Honorable Adam Scheinman (special representative of the president on nuclear nonproliferation). Thursday, March 3rd at 3:30-4:30PM in Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center Unity Room. Continue reading…
"Work that Matters Panel": Panelist from various volunteer organizations will speak about different options available during school and after graduation
"Coffee Chat": Students and community members can talk to RPCVs from different countries of service to hear first-hand accounts.
El Centro de las Americas is looking for volunteers to help with their 'at-risk' youth program. Volunteers are needed to help with academic and behavior based issues. For more information contact Jessica Rodriguez at jessica@elcentrone.orgContinue reading…
This scholarship aims to diversify the kinds of students who study and intern abroad and the countries and regions where they go by offering awards to undergraduates who might otherwise not participate due to financial constraints. DUE March 1st. Up to $5,000 and $8,000 (for critical languages). Continue reading…
Mr. Gary Schroen is coming to Lincoln and he will be interacting with students and doing a podium speech. Gary is one of the most decorated foreign intelligence and operation officers in US history. He served in Syria, Iran, and Afghanistan.
March 10th at 6PM in Avery 115 (City Campus) Continue reading…
Wednesday, March 9th 11AM-1PM in Nebraska Union
This event will focus on going abroad beyond UNL and will feature information on internships. teaching, work and volunteer opportunities.