Only two weeks remain until the finals week. This is the time to be meeting with your professor, study groups, and to utilize on-campus resources such as the Writing Center, Math Center and others. Priority registration is also nearing its end so make sure to meet with your advisor ASAP.
Meet Sylvia Wilson sophomore from Oakland, NE majoring in Global Studies and English. After graduation Sylvia plans on applying for the JET program and the Peace Corps. Ultimately, Sylvia would like to be an English teacher in Japan. Continue reading…
Free conference examines water scarcity and humanitarian implications of the Syrian Crisis
"Water Scarcity, Human Security and Democratization: Aspects and Impacts of the Syrian Crisis" will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Nebraska Innovation Campus conference center, 2021 Transformation Dr., Lincoln, Nebraska. Continue reading…
SUMMER JOB: Student Worker, Institute for International Teaching Assistants. The Office of Graduate Studies seeks highly motivated student workers to serve as classroom consultants during the Institute for International Teaching Assistants. Contact Hollie Swanson at to apply. Continue reading…
Looking for a course that will hone in your critical thinking, moral reasoning, and public discussion skills consider signing up for PHIL 299: Independent Study-Ethics Bowl. To sign up contact to get a permission code. Continue reading…
UNL Mapathon serves the purpose of mapping villages and cities where Peace Corps volunteers are serving. Using OpenStreetMaps Task Manager participants will select a village to map for the entirety of the Mapathon with the goal of mapping it to completion by the time event is over. THU | 4/14 | 5PM
Listen and speak with Meredith Kos, International Development Professional, about career opportunities in the field of international development. She will share some suggestions and strategies on how students can pursue work and internship experiences in this direction. Monday, 4/18 at 5:30PM. Continue reading…
Listen and speak with Meredith Kos, International Development Professional, about some of the pressing issues in the field of development. This talk will also touch on career opportunities in this field and the ways in which students can pursue work and internship experiences in this direction. Continue reading…
On Tuesday, April 19 Define American @UNL will host Immigration 101: Educate, Support, Advocate at 5:30 PM in the Unity Room of the Jackie Gaughn Multicultural Center. This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be available. Continue reading…
Thursday, April 14th 4-5PM in Love Library South 224.
This workshop will discuss what law
schools are looking for in this essay, and provide participants writing exercises to begin the process of developing your individual story in a strong and compelling manner.