Time is here, make sure you're getting plenty of rest, talking to your professors and putting in the necessary time to be successful. Don't forget that you are nearly there and your success is in your control.
Meet Doris Serván-Alvarez from Lincoln double majoring in Global Studies and Sociology with a minor in Spanish. Doris is currently on a semester abroad in Salamanca, Spain taking classes with locals such as Spanish literature, Hispanic-Arabic Culture, Political Sociology and Sociology of Crime. Continue reading…
Join us for our first annual End of the Year Party during which we celebrate our students' accomplishments, honor our graduates, and spend time together as a community.
Wednesday, April 26 | 2PM-4PM | Nebraska Union Colonial A
All UNL students, staff, and faculty welcome. Continue reading…
Faculty-Led Winter Break Trip to Panama: Dec 27, 2017 – Jan 7, 2018
Both courses will count towards regional or thematic specialization for GLST students.
Course: BSAD 491 (3 cr) or BSAD 191 (3 cr) Continue reading…
MWF 9:30-10:20AM
**see Emira to fill out a substitution form to bring the course into your degree audit.
FALL COURSE: MODL398-002: Russian Culture and Civilization Through Film
MODL398-002: Russian Culture and Civilization Through Film
Class meets in Burnett 231 on MW 1:30-2:45
PROFESSOR'S NAME: Olha Tytarenko Continue reading…
Regional or Thematic Specialization Course in the Fall
FREN 398: Francophone Literature of the Environment
This course can be used to fulfill Regional Specialization in Europe or Middle East and Africa, or a thematic specialization in Global Resources and Environment. Contact Emira about substitution form.