UNL Global Studies

Week 10: Priority Registration
Week 10: Priority Registration

Week 10: Priority Registration

Priority registration starts this week. Make sure you have met with your advisor to determine the courses you need to take during spring semester. You can set up an appointment with Emira Ibrahimpasic (GLST Advisor) via MyPlan in Blackboard.



STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Brenna McFaddenMeet Brenna McFadden, Advertising and Public Relations major with a minor in Global Studies, Religious Studies and Art from Kearney. Brenna decided to minor in Global Studies because it allowed her a chance to learn about new cultures and perspectives. Continue reading…

GLST 491: Women Dissidents in Europe & Asia
GLST 491: Women Dissidents in Europe & Asia

GLST 491: Women Dissidents in Europe & Asia

Special Topics course this spring is titled Women Dissidents in Europe & Asia taught by Dr. Hana Waisserova. The course can count as either Europe or Asia and Eurasia region course. GLST 491 is on T/Th 9:30-10:45 in Burnett 102. Continue reading…

Get Paid to Do Research
Get Paid to Do Research

Get Paid to Do Research

Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience (UCARE) is a paid research opportunity available to students in all disciplines. Assist a faculty member with their current research, or develop your own research proposal. Apps for Summer 2018 open Dec. 4. Questions, reach out to Emira. Continue reading…

More details at: https://ucare.unl.edu/
Interested in Graduate School?
Interested in Graduate School?

Interested in Graduate School?

Interested in Graduate School?
Attend these upcoming workshops to learn more about graduate school admission:

GRE Workshop Part 1; Oct. 30, 4pm, Nebraska Union
GRE Workshop Part 2; Oct. 31, 12:30pm, Nebraska Union
Crafting Your Graduate School Application; Nov. 13, 4pm, Nebraska Union Continue reading…

Study in India | Summer 2018
Study in India | Summer 2018

Study in India | Summer 2018

Explore beautiful India and earn 3 credits (GLST 491) towards your Region or Theme requirements for major/minor. This 3 week program will allow students to learn about early and contemporary India, culture and religion, politics, and economics; volunteer, and explore numerous historical sites. Continue reading…

Originally published October 23, 2017 - Submit an Item