Boren Awards: Funding for Language Study in Indonesia *New Program*
The application for the 2018 Boren Awards is now open at http://www.borenawards.org!
Boren Awards fund U.S. undergraduate and graduate language study and research abroad in world regions critical to U.S. national interests (including Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East).
This year we are introducing The Indonesian Flagship Language Initiative (IFLI) which offers Boren Awards awardees the special opportunity to study Indonesian language and culture by participating in domestic and overseas immersion language programs in Indonesia. Created in partnership with experienced program providers, IFLI is appropriate for applicants with no language proficiency, as well as intermediate and advanced speakers.
This immersive program begins with an intensive summer domestic language institute at the University of Wisconsin, followed by a fall overseas program in Indonesia at the State University of Malang (UM) administered by the American Councils for International Education.
Awardees are encouraged to request funding to stay in Indonesia after the fall program is complete. During that time, students participate in the study abroad programs that they identify on their own and note in the Boren application.
The Boren Scholarships provide up to $20,000 for undergraduate students for language‐focused study abroad.
The Boren Fellowships provide up to $30,000 for graduate students to fund language study, graduate‐level research, and academic internships abroad.
Additional information on IFLI program requirements and program location can be found on our website, http://www.borenawards.org.
Applicants are encouraged to contact their Boren Awards campus representatives, listed in a directory on the website, for institution‐specific guidance. They may also contact Boren Awards staff directly at 1‐800‐618‐NSEP or boren@iie.org
More details at: https://www.borenawards.org/