Name: Avery Freeman
Major/Minor: Global Studies and Political Science, minoring in Spanish
Hometown: Wahoo, Nebraska
Year: Sophomore
Favorite book and why: The Shack by William Paul Young. I loved this book because it really opened my eyes to the immense love Jesus has for each of us. It really dug into the question, "why do bad things happen to good people?" and really solidified the answer to that, because I always find myself wondering that! And it all around was just an amazing book that left me feeling stronger in my faith!
Favorite movie and why: Ahhh, The Breakfast Club hands down. I could probably quote 90% of the movie! I love this movie because one, I am in love with the character John Bender and I really just love everything about the 80's and all of the 80's movies are gold. It's also just a great movie that teaches you that it's okay to have friends that are out of your "group", whether you're in the popular group, or the sports group, or the nerdy group. It doesn't matter who you are friends with!
Why Global Studies?
I chose Global Studies because the idea of having a potential career in the future that would allow me to travel the world, immerse myself in different cultures, and learn about different cultures around the world, really captivated me. I took a GLST class last year that I really enjoyed because the first thing we would do before class is talk about what's going on in the news and worldly issues, which was cool because it forced me to read read read and stay updated! So with that being said, my advice to future Global Studies majors would be something as simple as staying updated with the news and what's going on in the world around us. My parents have always been big news watchers, but I never really had been, and let me tell you, it's AMAZING all the things you learn and find out when you read news websites, watch the news, and stay updated with our world in general. It's so important to be informed, especially if you are a Global Studies major!
Study Abroad:
This summer I am doing a study abroad in Spain called "Pilgrimage Along the Camino". So a group of about 20 of students are backpacking and literally walking through Spain! It's a sociology-based study abroad where we will dive into the culture, religion, etc of Spain and pilgrims along the Camino. And after that I will be going to Italy for a week and I am so excited!
Post-Graduation Plans:
My post graduation plans are kind of up in the air still. As of now, I REALLY hope I can volunteer for the Peace Corps in South America or India for a year or two and after that work for a non-profit organization abroad!