Human Rights activist and North Korean defector, Yeonmi Park, is fast becoming a leading voice of oppressed people around the world. At the 2014 Oslo Freedom Forum and the One Young World Summit in Dublin, she became an international phenomenon, delivering passionate and deeply-personal speeches about the brutality of the North Korean regime. Her address to One Young World on the horrors of detention campus, political executions, and sex trafficking has been viewed over 80 million times on YouTube. Park's escape from North Korea has given the world a window into the lives of its people. The BBC named her one of their Top Global Women. Park grew up in a society devoted to the worship of Dear Leader Kim Jong-il and hatred for enemies of his regime. Park's searing memoir about her escape, In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl's Journey to Freedom, was released in the fall of 2015. Park has taken it upon herself to tell the story of millions, urging the world to recognize the oppressed people of Kim Jong-un's reign. She will discuss her experience and escape from North Korea.