Do you give talks, provide educational activities or organize events as part of your work at SNR? Add that information to the new SNR Public Outreach page -- http://snr.unl.edu/publicoutreach/index.asp.
To add information about your speaking availability, educational events or activities, go to your profile on the SNR website, accessible via the Directories page, and follow the update link.
At the bottom of the Information box on the right of your profile page, click on Update your profile.
Enter your NU ID number when you are prompted to log in.
On the next screen is a box of “Updatable Information.” Items on the list include SNR Speakers Bureau Profile, Outreach Activity, and Outreach Event.
Click on one and fill out the form to add an activity.
Photos are very helpful, too. If you’d like to include a photo of a past activity or event, please send it directly to Mark Mesarch, mmesarch1@unl.edu.
More details at: http://snr.unl.edu/publicoutreach/index.asp