Hometown: Lincoln, NE
Major: Environmental Science
Anticipated date of graduation: May 2025
Why did you decide to come to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln?
When I was first looking into degree programs, I knew I wanted to select something involving the natural world. However, I was still unsure of what I wanted to specifically focus on. I found that CASNR offered a diverse range of classes that would help me find what I was passionate about.
What is your favorite thing about the School of Natural Resources?
My favorite thing about the School of Natural Resources is how personable the staff are. I found that the professors and advisors are all receptive and supportive of your goals.
What is your favorite class you have taken so far and why?
My favorite class I’ve taken so far would be Intro to Environmental Science. I took this class as a freshman and found that it laid a sturdy foundation for future classes I would take. It was a comprehensive class and allowed me to make connections with others in my major.
What is life like outside of school? In what ways have you gotten involved in the SNR or university communities?
When I’m not in the classroom, you can find me in nature! Lincoln has extensive bike trails which are a great way to get outside and explore the city with friends.
If you are doing an undergraduate research project or internship, tell us about what you are doing and why you sought out this experience.
I am currently involved in a floating wetland remediation project with sites throughout Lincoln. Many urban ponds experience eutrophication due to excess nutrients found in rainwater runoff. This has detrimental effects on the pond’s health. The project aims to remove the excess nutrients and treat these ponds with floating wetlands and lanthanum candles. https://snr.unl.edu/research/projects/researchproject.aspx?pid=21
Working on this project has given me lots of valuable insight on research and academia. I also had the opportunity to travel to Thailand and present this research at Kasetsart University with my coworkers and professor. Learning about concepts in class is important, but being able to apply them in the real world has been vital to my learning.
What are your plans post-graduation?
Currently, my post-graduation plans involve attending graduate school. I have enjoyed learning about environmental science both in my classes and through my internship. I feel like pursuing a master’s degree in aquatic ecology or wetland science is the next step for me.
More details at: https://snr.unl.edu/undergrad/meetourstudents.aspx