by Troy Fedderson | University Communication and Marketing
When winter weather strikes, it can impact University of Nebraska–Lincoln operations in a number of ways. Here is what Huskers can expect from the university in the event of a major snow or cold event that may affect day-to-day activities.
Be ‘alert’
UNL Alert — the same system that announces campus emergencies — will issue emails and text messages conveying weather-related closings. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to opt in to the service, which is free and available here.
When inclement weather is in the forecast, students, faculty and staff should be prepared to complete assignments and/or work remotely in the event of a university shutdown.
Trusted sources
The university announces official weather-related closures (and schedule adjustments) in several ways beyond UNL Alert:
They will be posted to the university’s homepage, as well as to the university’s social media channels such as Twitter/X and Facebook.
Ideally, local radio and TV stations will be notified about closures by 6 a.m. for day classes and 2 p.m. for night classes; and
Closings of university sites outside of Lincoln will be made by a responsible administrator and communicated locally.
If any of the messaging being reported is confusing, verify via the university’s main webpage or social media channels. Better yet, get those messages via text and email by signing up for UNL Alert.
Read the complete article at:
More details at: https://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/today/article/are-you-ready-for-winter-weather-related-closures/