Ella Humphrey, a sophomore in Fisheries and Wildlife, is researching the Bigmouth Shiner in multiple tanks in the Aquatic Biodiversity and Conservation Lab. Craig Chandler | University Communication and Marketing
Ella Humphrey has always been curious about fish. “I enjoy the outdoors,” Humphrey, a fisheries and wildlife major, said. “I kept a lot of aquariums, and getting to see those different exotic species and learning about them in a captive setting really piqued my interest." Continue reading…
“Dr. Bathke is uniquely positioned for this role. She is known nationally for her work in climate science and has the ability to translate complex data for the public.” —Larkin Powell, director, School of Natural Resources Continue reading…
Michele Waszgis, a Geological Research Specialist with the Conservation and Survey Division of the School of Natural Resources, received the Fall 2023 Staff Recognition Award. Continue reading…
Nebraska figures large in the latest issue of BioScience, with the cover showing Nebraska grasslands on fire and the related story cowritten by Craig Allen, natural resources professor at Nebraska. Continue reading…
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries GIS Day Map Competition aims to foster a deeper appreciation for GIS, encourage spatial thinking, and showcase the power of maps in understanding our complex world. Continue reading…