Cabela’s Apprenticeship Program is an opportunity for students to gain experience doing research that addresses real issues centered around:
recruiting and maintaining participants in outdoor activities
managing fish and wildlife and creating their habitat
protecting threatened and endangered species
supporting ecosystem conservation
The program is a partnership among Cabela’s, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, with funding provided by Cabela’s.
The 2023-2024 Apprentices are:
Ella Humphrey, "The Thermal Tolerances and Heat Shock Protein Regulation of Notropis dorsalis"
Josie Ivy, "Connecting people to prairie and grassland ecosystems through increased access on prairie preserves, through outdoor education and restoration of prairies and wetlands."
Kaitlyn Richards, "Conservation Corp of Minnesota/Iowa"
Lenny Huff, "Antibiotics in Our Surface Waters"
Lindsey Blehm, "Effects of wildfire ash on algal growth and water chemistry in Nebraska lakes"
Madi Hein, "Using game cameras in research"
Makena Foley, "How terrestrial restoration efforts affect stream metabolism"
Megan Francis Snow, "Attitudes of Individuals at a Nebraskan University Toward Sub-Order Serpentes "
A poster presentation of their work will be held on April 25, 2024 at 5:00 pm in the second floor south lobby of Hardin Hall.
Light snacks and drinks will be provided.