Renowned photographer Sartore brings ‘Photo Ark’ to Morrill Hall

 Joel Sartore | National Geographic Photo Ark A Florida panther, Puma concolor coryi, at Lowry Park Zoo, Florida, 2012.
Joel Sartore | National Geographic Photo Ark A Florida panther, Puma concolor coryi, at Lowry Park Zoo, Florida, 2012.

by Dan Moser | Research and Economic Development

A permanent exhibition at the University of Nebraska State Museum will feature photographer and Nebraska native Joel Sartore’s work to document every species living in the world’s zoos, aquariums and wildlife sanctuaries.

The “National Geographic Photo Ark” exhibition will open to the public April 19. Sartore started the Photo Ark project in his hometown of Lincoln in 2006. Since then, the world-renowned photographer and National Geographic Explorer has traveled the world in his quest to create a photo archive of global biodiversity that ultimately will feature portraits of more than 25,000 species of birds, fish, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates.

The exhibition, comprising digital displays of Sartore’s photos and videos, will be on Morrill Hall’s first floor. A dedicated seating area will allow visitors to view the images and hear Sartore explain his mission and share behind-the-scenes details such as the challenge of getting animals to stay in one place long enough to photograph them.

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