by: Ronica Stromberg
The Resilience Alliance is back on track with annual meetings after Covid, and Nebraska professors Craig Allen and Gwendwr Meredith and alumnus Emily Rowen took part in the Norway meeting May 6-10.
“It's good to know that the group is still up and running and there are still new horizons to tackle in these ideas of transformations and lots of other ideas,” Allen said upon returning.
The network of scientists and practitioners discussed possibly combining with the Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society and becoming a society for social-ecological systems research. Meredith said she and others are planning to attend the PECS-III conference in Montreal in August.
The Resilience Alliance, founded in 1999, preceded PECS and came up with resilience theory. Members meet yearly to discuss new aspects and practices of resilience theory. Thirty people from around the world came to this year’s meeting and broke into five working groups.
Allen took part in discussions on food security and agricultural resilience and a working group, Pathway Diversity. This group is looking at economic ways of making systems more resilient.
Meredith took part in the Community of Practice working group, and Rowen took part in the Assessing Assessments group.
Read the complete article and see more images at https://centerforresilience.unl.edu/epscor-team-takes-part-resilience-alliance-meeting-norway