Undergraduate Student Spotlight: Cali Engel

Cali Engel, a double major in fisheries and wildlife and environmental science
Cali Engel, a double major in fisheries and wildlife and environmental science

Hometown: La Vista, Nebraska

Majors: Fisheries and Wildlife, Environmental Science

Anticipated Date of Graduation: May 2025

Why did you decide to come to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln?

There is a great natural resources program here, and I am able to study subjects that I am interested in. This university also gives out a lot of great scholarships.

What is your favorite thing about the University of Nebraska-Lincoln?

I love the variety of classes that I am able to take, including courses with field components. I love being able to use different field techniques that are used by scientists, as these are relevant to what I want to do in the future.

Read Cali's full spotlight at https://instituteofagriculturenaturalresources.exposure.co/meet-a-husker-cali-engel?source=share-instituteofagriculturenaturalresources