#UNL24 is one-day social media surge aimed at curating stories from across campus to collectively tell the story of what it's truly like to be a part of UNL. SNR encourages all faculty, staff and students to participate in the event.
Last year, hundreds of stories were shared from across campus to represent one day (24 hours) of life at the university. On Tuesday, Sept. 24, the UNL community is doing it again -- and we want to hear YOUR story. Use the hashtag #UNL24 on social media channels. This could mean:
-- Annotate your story: Share an update or detail from your life at UNL on Twitter.
-- Capture your personality: Tweet or Instagram an image of you at your favorite place on campus, hanging out with your friends or studying late.
-- Animate your life: Share a video on Vine or Instagram from your path across campus or an afternoon jog downtown.
Tell your colleagues and students to take part in this interactive digital adventure.
If you have any questions about #UNL24, feel free to reach out to Mekita Rivas, SNR communications/project associate, at 472-6515 or mrivas@unl.edu. You can also contact Tyler Thomas, UNL social media specialist, directly at 472-6554 or tthomas10@unl.edu.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/rso