![The magnetic car door signs will feature this graphic.](https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/files/file36556.jpg)
One pair of magnetic car door signs is available for check out at the Nebraska Maps & More Store. The signs are for SNR faculty and staff to use while conducting field research, and they must be reserved via the Outlook calendar system before being checked out.
These signs will aid in better identification of people doing field research. The signs should be put onto the vehicle the day before use to ensure that they are properly magnetized.
To reserve the pair of signs in Outlook, follow the instructions for reserving a room or resource as follows:
1. On the "Home" tab, choose "New Meeting." Select "New Meeting" from the list if it appears.
2. In the reservation window, enter the following information using the given format (graphic below shares same information with red boxes being required information):
a. "To" line: attendees of the meeting b. "Subject" line: Event Title (posted time if different than scheduled start and end times) (Contact with phone number) mm/dd/yy *first date of recurring event
b. "Rooms" button: select the rooms and/or resources needed
c. "Start Time"
d. "End Time"
These instructions are also available on SharePoint > Software Users Group > Outlook-Office 365 > Reserving Room-Resource instructions – Full Version
If you have any questions about the magnetic car door signs, please see the office associate staff at the Nebraska Maps & More Store in the first floor lobby of Hardin Hall.