"Deciphering Regulatory Networks Controlling Endosperm Development," will be presented by Ramin Yadegari of the University of Arizona at 4 p.m., April 9 in E103 Beadle Center. The free, public seminar will be preceded by a reception at 3:30 p.m.
Endosperm is a filial structure resulting from a second fertilization event in angiosperms. As an absorptive storage organ, endosperm plays an essential role in support of embryo development or seedling germination. The accumulation of carbohydrate and protein storage products in cereal endosperm provides humanity with a major portion of its food, feed and renewal resources.
However, little is known regarding the regulatory gene networks controlling endosperm proliferation and differentiation. As a first step towards understanding these processes, we have profiled all mRNAs in kernel and endosperm of maize at successive stages of early seed development to identify spatio-temporal programs of gene expression including hundreds of transcription-factor genes. These patterns have identified regulatory networks that likely control cell proliferation and differentiation processes responsible for the characteristic functions of the endosperm.
The complete schedule of seminars may be found at http://biotech.unl.edu/.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/efix