IANR is hosting the Nebraska State FFA Convention on UNL's City and East Campuses from April 9-11. In order to host thousands of FFA members and guests during this time, IANR is seeking volunteers to serve in a hospitality capacity.
Volunteers are needed for a variety of purposes, including:
Wed., April 9 - During the afternoon, people are needed to assist in directing students to a "Fun with Wildlife" presentation in the Husker tent on the north side of Hardin Hall.
Thurs., April 10 - During the day people are needed to serve as hosts in the "Husker Hospitality Zone" in the Husker tent on the north side of Hardin Hall. You will greet the students, make sure music is on and popcorn is available, and supervise yard games.
Thurs./Fri., April 10 & 11 - There will be hospitality tents at the two bus drop off spots (across from Veterinary Diagnostic Center and by the Arboretum). Individuals are needed to staff the tents from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. Shifts are broken into one hour time-slots.
Fri., April 11 - "Blue & Gold – Experience the Power of Red" will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The students will eat lunch, participate in a 1 p.m. session featuring speakers/entertainment and various other outdoor activities sure to excite the FFA members. They will then move into departmental workshops throughout campus. Volunteers are needed to help direct students to the various locations throughout the festivities.
If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the following survey: http://go.unl.edu/ffa2014. Contact Jill Brown at jbrown14@unl.edu or 472-2871 for more information.