Tips, Tricks & Other Helpful Hints: SNR Address Book with only 15 group lists

Tips, Tricks & Other Helpful Hints: SNR Address Book with only 15 group lists
Tips, Tricks & Other Helpful Hints: SNR Address Book with only 15 group lists

Remember that the number of group lists in the SNR Address Book for Outlook has been significantly reduced. There are now just 15 lists:

1. SNR All Employees (consists of SNR Faculty, SNR Staff, SNR Graduate Assistants)
2. SNR Core Mission Area - Climate Science
3. SNR Core Mission Area - Applied Ecology
4. SNR Core Mission Area - Environmental Science
5. SNR Core Mission Area - Geography and Spatial Science
6. SNR Extended Mission Area - Climate Science
7. SNR Extended Mission Area - Extended Applied Ecology
8. SNR Extended Mission Area - Extended Environmental Science
9. SNR Extended Mission Area - Extended Geography and Spatial Science
10. SNR Faculty (excludes courtesy, adjunct, emeritus, visiting faculty)
11. SNR Graduate Assistants (grad students on SNR-paid assistantships)
12. SNR Graduate Students (SNR Graduate Assistants plus all graduate students admitted into NRES or GEOG graduate program)
13. SNR HarH Occupants
14. SNR P&T Committee
15. SNR Staff

The past few tips and tricks have covered group lists within your own email account as well as rules within Outlook. If you need a reminder about what to do, all the instructions are posted in SharePoint > Software Users Groups > Outlook-Office 365. If you have any questions about them you can contact me via email ( or phone (472-7569).