Inside SNR, the school's weekly newsletter, will return to its fall/spring semester publication schedule beginning Aug. 24. With the exception of Labor Day and other campus holidays, the newsletter is published every Monday throughout the academic year.
Faculty, staff and students can submit stories to be considered for Inside SNR online by logging in to UNL Announce with their UNL username/password combinations at http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/.
All SNR faculty, staff and students are automatically subscribed to the Inside SNR e-newsletter. Non-SNR students, emeriti, alumni and the public can subscribe to the publication online at http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/snr/.
Editing and final production of Inside SNR is provided by Mekita Rivas, communications associate. Those with questions can contact her at mrivas@unl.edu or 402-472-6515.