University of Nebraska-Lincoln faculty and administrators are hosting an event to learn about Fulbright Scholar Program opportunities and benefits on May 12.
Anyone who is considering applying is encouraged to attend the Fulbright Scholar Program workshop, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Colonial Room.
A complimentary luncheon is included. Registration is required at http://research.unl.edu/events/event2.php?eventID=1973.
The Council for International Exchange of Scholars coordinates the Fulbright program, the U.S.’s flagship academic exchange effort. Keynote presenter Andrew Riess, assistant director of outreach for the Fulbright program, will outline Fulbright opportunities for faculty. Awards to pursue teaching, research or both are available in more than 125 countries.
A panel of UNL faculty who have earned a Fulbright award will share their insights and the program’s benefits. Panelists include Mark Balschweid, department head and professor, agricultural leadership, education and communication; Terri Norton, associate professor, architectural engineering and construction; Larkin Powell, professor natural resources; and Petronela Radu, associate professor, mathematics.
This workshop is hosted by the Office of Research and Economic Development and the Office of the Chancellor.
For more information, contact Jerry Doyle, national recognition and awards coordinator, at 402-472-3024 or jdoyle3@unl.edu.
- UNL Today
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/3agg