Another year of the National Bike Challenge is about to begin.
Starting on May 1, those on East Campus can start logging their miles for UNL for points. Miles logged previously have helped UNL achieve Bicycle Friendly University status. Data logged during the challenge can help make the case for improving cycling infrastructure or safety awareness when official planners are thinking about local or state improvements in transportation.
Three years ago, Lincoln was first in the nation for Class 1 cities (pop. > 200,000) in number of points earned, but has lost to Madison, Wisconsin, the last two years.
The competition continues through September.
To join the National Bike Challenge, visit the web site, nationalbikechallenge.org. Click “Join the National Bike Challenge” and complete the following:
• In addition to name, email address and selecting a password, select a Workplace: University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
• After creating a profile, select the UNL East Campus team.
Participants don’t need to ride long distance to contribute to the challenge. No ride it too short, but each ride at least one mile long accumulates 20 points plus a point per mile.
For more details, visit nationalbikechallenge.org or call Martha Rowe, research technologist with Agronomy and Horticulture, at 402-472-1487.
Enjoy riding and be safe.
- Natural Resources
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/pur5