The National Drought Mitigation Center’s quarterly newsletter, "DroughtScape," is now available at http://drought.unl.edu/Portals/0/docs/DroughtScape/DSSpring2016.pdf.
The issue covers a broad range of topics, from California to the Caribbean. It covers lessons learned from international drought planning and research, and looks at Nebraska Natural Resources Districts’ steps toward drought planning.
Here are a few headlines:
• First quarter 2016 drought impact summary: Drought not over in California
• Caribbean nations use “writeshops” to advance drought preparedness
• Kenyan agency leader dedicated to preventing drought-related deaths
• Nemaha NRD drought scenario exercise a step toward addressing competing water uses
The issues also looks at federal resources for drought planner:
• EPA releases Drought Response, Recovery Guide for Water Utilities
• New navigation, new look, new content for drought.gov
-- Natural Resources
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/h9cc