Media often reaches out to the people at the School of Natural Resources for comments on current affairs, but they also cover events hosted by the school. In April, media outlets far and wide ran stories on Weatherfest. Also featured were “The Messenger” activities, the Nebraska State Climate Office and the National Drought Mitigation Center.
These are the stories that hit newsstands and broadcasts in April:
• Drought officially vanishes from Washington landscape (Capitol Press): Washington was last drought-free on Dec. 31, 2013. Even then, 82 percent of the state was “abnormally dry,” according to the drought monitor, a weekly report by the National Drought Mitigation Center in Lincoln, Nebraska.
• UNL Weatherfest, Severe Weather Symposium set for April 16 (Bryan-College Station Eagle): University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s School of Natural Resources is hosting a day of free activities for Nebraskans interested in severe weather and how it affects their lives.
• UNL Weatherfest, Severe Weather Symposium set for April 16 (Washington Times): University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s School of Natural Resources is hosting a day of free activities for Nebraskans interested in severe weather and how it affects their lives.
• 24th Year For Weather Seminar, Near Wilber This Sunday (kwbe): A review of the weather in 2015 will be given by Dr. Ken Dewey, a professor in the UNL School of Natural Resources and a noted storm chaser.
• UNL Weatherfest, Severe Weather Symposium set for April 16 (91.5 KIOS-FM): University of Nebraska-Lincoln's School of Natural Resources is hosting a day of free activities for Nebraskans interested in severe weather and how it affects their lives.
• State Climate Office works with farmers (1011now): In January 2016 the Nebraska State Climate Office (NSCO) was created in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources to serve as the primary source of climate information for Nebraska.
• Despite Rain, Drought Expands Further in Colorado (Kiowa County Press): Even with rain in parts of southeast Colorado Sunday night into Monday morning, drought conditions continued to expand, and worsened in Baca County according to data released April 14, 2016, by the National Drought Mitigation Center.
• The Messenger: a plea from our songbirds (Lincoln Journal Star):
Lincoln’s Wild Bird Habitat Stores, Impact Partners for the documentary film, partnered with UNL’s School of Natural Resources and the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center to bring this event to Lincoln.
• Review: Eco-documentary 'The Messenger' sounds warning about silencing of songbirds (Lincoln Journal Star): The canary in the coal mine is, of course, the metaphor for a warning of impending doom, the tiny yellow birds taken into mines stopping their songs and often dying because of gas that could then kill the miners.
• Weatherfest mixes fun and education (1011now): The 16th annual Weatherfest took place on east campus on Saturday, an event focused on teaching the public about weather and how to be prepared for it.
• People blown away by Weatherfest, Severe Weather Symposium (Lincoln Journal Star): Ken Dewey only needs to check two things off his list to know Weatherfest is successful.
• California rethinks drought emergency regulations (KCRA Sacramento): Some California water providers propose making districts throughout the state responsible for setting their own conservation targets to meet the drought emergency, officials said Wednesday.
• With little rain in the forecast, parts of the region approach drought conditions (Allentown Morning Call): This graphic from the U.S. Drought Monitor and the National Drought Mitigation Center shows part of the region approaching drought conditions.
• Nature center site of Wild Adventure Day (Lincoln Journal Star): The Nebraska Wildlife Federation, Lincoln Children’s Zoo, University of Nebraska State Museum, University of Nebraska Microbiology and Entomology departments, UNL Wildlife Club and NU School of Natural Resources will have hands-on science and wildlife activities.
• Weekend rain brings year-to-date precipitation to more than normal (Jamestown Sun): The most recent maps created by the National Drought Mitigation Center showed much of Stutsman County in a moderate drought as of April 21.
• UNL students recognized for academic achievements (McCook Daily Gazette): More than 1,800 University of Nebraska-Lincoln students were honored.
- Natural Resources
More details at: snr.unl.edu