Big Data Workshop by XSEDE set for Nov. 1, 2016

XSEDE Big Data workshop is Nov. 1 and will be telecast at Hardin Hall.
XSEDE Big Data workshop is Nov. 1 and will be telecast at Hardin Hall.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln is serving as a satellite site for the one-day Big Data workshop Nov. 1 by XSEDE and the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center.

The workshop will be telecast at 10 a.m. at Hardin Hall 901, School of Natural Resources, East Campus.

The workshop will focus on topics such as Hadoop and Spark.

To view the agenda, visit XSEDE HPC Workshop: Big Data website.
Register via XSEDE User Portal. (University of Nebraska – Lincoln is listed on the 10th row to register.)

Please address any questions to Tom Maiden at or Jane Okalebo at

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