Distribution of the 1-square-kilometer cells where irrigated land in 2012 exceeded 50 percent of the cell area (blue-green dots) in Nebraska. Pink corresponds to declining annual, while yellow corresponds to declining irrigation-season precipitation rates
Joe Szilagyi, a Conservation and Survey Division researcher, showed widespread irrigation resulted in a net moisture loss in Nebraska, a finding that could have worldwide water conservation implications if substantiated by further research. Continue reading…
Sixty mule deer does are carrying GPS monitoring devices for a new research study designed to aid in the management of mule deer populations in Nebraska. A crew included about 15 people from the School of Natural Resources and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Continue reading…
Dr. Lisa Pennisi, associate professor of natural resources, will be awarded a Senior Faculty Holling Family Award for Teaching Excellence during a ceremony starting at noon Friday, March 2, at the Nebraska East Union. Continue reading…
Karl Reinhard, Environmental Archaeologist with the School of Natural Resources, will present “Pollen as Evidence: Investigations of Mummies” from 6:30 to 8 p.m. today (Feb. 27) at The Happy Raven, 112 N 11th St., Lincoln, Nebraska. Continue reading…
The School of Natural Resource’s spring documentary series will continue with “Beyond the Mirage” at 7 p.m. March 1 in Hardin Hall. The event is free and open to the public. Continue reading…Add to my calendar (.ics)
Drs. Jess Corman, of SNR, and Sherri Jones, of the Special Education and Communication Disorders department, will present on negotiation skills from noon to 1 p.m. March 1 in Hardin Hall 901. Continue reading…
The second edition of “Drought and Water Crises” book recently was released, providing a way forward for scientists and managers trying to sort through drought risk management options. Don Wilhite, National Drought Mitigation Center founder, and other partners updated the edition. Continue reading…
SciComm, the three-day science communication conference featuring NPR science correspondent Joe Palca, is set for March 23 to 25 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Union. Registration is due Friday, March 2. Continue reading…
Anthony Ianni, an anti-bullying motivational speaker, will share his story of living with autism in a 4 p.m. March 7 presentation in the East Union (room posted). Continue reading…
Registration is open for the graduate and undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Poster Sessions and Creative Exhibitions for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Spring Research Fair, set for April 10 to 11 in the Nebraska Union. All students are invited to participate. Continue reading…
Forester Amy Seiler will present "Evolution of Great Plants Garden," one that survives with minimal moisture under extreme temperatures, at noon March 1 at Keim Hall. Continue reading…Add to my calendar (.ics)
Learn how value flows through portions of the agriculture supply chain. Observe the effects of corporate structure on supply chain management and finance, and marketing strategies. Continue reading…