A free screening of Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time will be 1-3 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 8, in the Hardin Hall auditorium.
Curt Meine, senior fellow with the Aldo Leopold Foundation will introduce the film and lead discussion afterward. Meine, who has written a biography on Aldo Leopold, serves as the film’s on-screen guide.
The film explores Leopold’s life in the early part of the twentieth century, the development of his philosophy on the "land ethic," and the many ways that it continues to be applied throughout the world today. Narrator Peter Coyote lends his talent as the voice of Aldo Leopold.
Scott Hygnstrom, the School of Natural Resources professor who organized the screening, said, "I saw the film last November at the annual meeting of The Wildlife Society and found it to be one of the most picturesque, poignant, and well-crafted documentaries that I have ever seen. OK, so I am biased ... I am a student of Aldo Leopold. You can trace my academic lineage directly to him. I have read all of his books and many books about him. Call me a groupie, but Aldo Leopold has done more to shape the ecological conscience of America than anyone I know. This is a must-see film for anybody interested in natural resources."
The 72-minute documentary, produced by the Aldo Leopold Foundation, the U.S. Forest Service, and the Center for Humans and Nature, shares highlights from Leopold's life and career. It was released in early 2011. According to the foundation in his name, "Although probably best known as the author of the conservation classic A Sand County Almanac, Leopold is also renowned for his work as an educator, philosopher, forester, ecologist and wilderness advocate."
More details at: http://www.greenfiremovie.com