The Open Educational Resources Community of Practice has updated its schedule of events for Open Education Week April 25-27. OER Curriculum Pathways is now on April 25 and NU OER Research Highlights is on April 27. The updated schedule is available online.
OER Curriculum Pathways
April 25, 12-1 p.m.
Two faculty at the University of Nebraska Omaha will discuss work on creating OER curriculum pathways. Craig Finlay, OER and STEM librarian, will discuss a team-based initiative to target high-enrollment general education and dual enrollment courses toward building an OER general education pathway. Dan Hawkins, director of Online Development and professor of sociology, will discuss the implementation of an OER degree pathway in the sociology and anthropology department. Registration is not required. Join the webinar here.
Student Voices
April 26, 12-1 p.m.
A panel of students from each NU campus will discuss their experiences with affordable textbooks. Registration is not required. Join the webinar here.
NU OER Research Highlights
April 27, 12-1 p.m.
Dan Hawkins, director of Online Development and professor of sociology, and Julie Pelton, associate professor and chair, sociology and anthropology department, both at the University of Nebraska Omaha, will present research related to the use of no-cost and low-cost materials that are a part of Open Nebraska. They will share preliminary results that compare grades earned and retention rates in Open Nebraska courses to courses that use traditional materials across three NU campuses. Registration is not required. Join the webinar here.
Contact Brad Severa at bsevera@nebraska.edu with questions about these events or implementing OER in classes.
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/openeducationweek