The University Libraries hosts Mark Sandler, director of the CIC's Center for Library Initiatives as a visiting scholar on April 4. Sandler will discuss "The Scrap Heap of History: Reflections on the Future of Libraries . . . and everything else" at 10 a.m., today in the Gaughan Multicultural Center, room 202. The event is free and open to the public.
Sandler works with the directors of libraries to identify and facilitate cooperative programs, and serves as liaison to library-related working groups. He will be on campus April 4 and 5.
The CIC — Committee on Institutional Cooperation — is a consortium of the Big Ten member universities plus the University of Chicago. Through collaboration CIC members save money, share assets, and increase teaching, learning and research opportunities. For more information, go to
If you are interested in meeting with Sandler, please contact Sue Ann Gardner at
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