UNL consistently made its way into national news headlines in 2010 as part of a continuing effort to expand the university's media reach.
National media outlets, often working with the Office of University Communications, featured and cited UNL research, programming and faculty expertise on a wide range of topics. At least 150 positive story appearances, translating into thousands of news headlines and stories in media across the nation and world, were registered in the 2010 calendar year.
A list of national media appearances and placements follows.
Sam Allgood, economics, had his work for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York cited June 8 in the New York Times' Economix blog. His study, conducted with three other economists at other universities, suggested that the more economics classes a person took in college, the more likely he would be to be a member of the Republican Party and to donate to candidates.
Marvin Ammori, law, was quoted on Jan. 3 by The Washington Post about a call for oversight of cable companies' product TV Everywhere. On Feb. 25, he was quoted by the Post about about overlapping jurisdiction over Internet activities in the wake of Apple pulling sexually explicit applications from iTunes. On March 23, the Post featured Ammori in a video blog asking the FCC what Internet competition and access will look like in 10 years. On March 31, he appeared on C-SPAN on a panel discussing the First Amendment and new technologies. On May 12, he was quoted by POLITICO regarding President Obama's choice of Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court. On May 16, he was quoted in the New York Times in a story about Kagan's stance on corporate-speech rights. On Aug. 10, he penned a featured op-ed for the New York Times on the government's regulatory role regarding net neutrality, and on Dec. 2, he wrote a second featured op-ed for the Times, this time on the need for better internet privacy rules. On Dec. 20, he appeared on MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann to discuss the FCC's net neutrality vote. Ammori also regularly blogged for The Huffington Post on First Amendment and new media issues.
John Anderson, College of Business Administration, was among the economists interviewed on Jan. 6 by CNN about what to expect with the economy in the new year. The video interview appeared at CNN.com and at CNNInternational.com.
Scott Anderson, music, was quoted March 16 by Gannett News Service in an article analyzing the lasting impact Jimi Hendrix has had on music and culture. The story circulated to several news outlets, including The Arizona Republic, The Wilmington (Del.) News and the Chicago Sun-Times.
Dawn Braithwaite, communication studies, was quoted March 6 by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about urban dwellers' changing views of privacy.
Randy Cantrell, agricultural economics, had his work cited by The Associated Press on Sept. 4 regarding a Rural Poll results on Nebraskans' agricultural roots. The story circulated nationwide and appeared in media outlets such as The San Francisco Chronicle, the Miami Herald, the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times.
Martin Centurion, physics, had his research on photon energy featured by The Associated Press on Feb. 1. The story circulated nationally and appeared in dozens of media outlets nationwide.
Namas Chandra, associate dean in the College of Engineering, and members of the Trauma Mechanics Research Initiative were quoted in a feature article that appeared in the October issue of National Defense Magazine.
David DiLillo, psychology, had his research into how child victims of sexual assault can avoid further trauma as adults featured by The Associated Press. The story moved on the national wires and appeared in dozens of media outlets around the country.
Wheeler Winston Dixon, film studies, was among a four-person panel quoted by USA TODAY on Jan. 22 on the pros and cons of the four top late-night television hosts. On Feb. 3, he was quoted by CNN about the newly announced Oscar nominations and the odds-on favorites to win. On Feb. 6, he was quoted by E! Online about what makes a "real" superstar. On Feb. 12, he was quoted by the Contra Costa (Calif.) Times about the history of romantic comedies. The story appeared in a number of Bay Area newspapers, including the San Jose Mercury News and the Oakland Tribune. On March 31, he was cited in USA TODAY on the history of the portrayal of dragons in motion pictures. On April 13, Dixon was quoted by The Christian Science Monitor on his reaction to Conan O'Brien's announcement that he would begin a new show on cable network TBS. On April 21, an essay he wrote about the film "La Dolce Vita" was cited by Film.com and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. On April 29, he was quoted in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel regarding the upswing of summer motion pictures featuring an "anti-hero." On May 8, he was quoted by The Boston Globe on the evolving history of the character of Robin Hood in the movies. On May 13, he was quoted by CNN.com about the money-making strategy of motion pictures. On July 2, he was quoted by CNN.com about whether the capture of several real-life Russian spies would help a new espionage film.
Mike Dodd, psychology; and Kevin Smith and John Hibbing, political science, had their study on the political nature of human attention featured in several national news outlets in mid-December. Articles featuring and discussing the research appeared in ABC News, TIME, Business Journals, National Public Radio, ScienceDaily.com, Yahoo! News, LiveScience.com and FreeRepublic.com. The Associated Press, as well as dozens of news weblogs and online news outlets such as USAToday.com, also featured their work.
Rick Edwards, economics, was quoted in the March-April edition of Audubon Magazine about the future of eco-tourism in Nebraska and also about his and Eric Thompson's recent study measuring Sandhill cranes' economic impact on central Nebraska's economy. Professor Emeritus Paul Johnsgard also was featured in the article.
Paul Engler, alumnus, was noted in a March 1 story by The Associated Press for his $20 million gift to UNL's Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The gift will establish a permanently endowed fund to support an agribusiness entrepreneurship program. The story circulated nationally and appeared at ABC News, CBS News, the Washington Post, the Seattle Times, the Miami Herald, the Chicago Tribune, and dozens of other outlets.
Geoffrey Friesen, finance, had his 2007 work on measuring investors' performance on mutual funds cited in the Dallas Morning News and the Austin American-Statesman on Aug. 8. On Nov. 29, the work was cited and he was quoted in an article in USA TODAY about small investors returning to the stock market.
Rhonda Garelick, English, and director of the Interdisciplinary Arts Symposium, was featured in an Oct. 28 article about the IAS in The Chronicle of Higher Education. The story outlined the origins of the IAS and Garelick's goals to make UNL a center for cutting-edge arts.
John Gates, hydrology, was quoted Aug. 19 by CNN.com regarding scenarios involving leaks in the planned Keystone oil pipeline and its effects on the Ogallala Aquifer.
Seth Giertz, economics, had his research on the elasticity of taxable income cited March 30 in a Wall Street Journal op-ed regarding the recently enacted health-care reform law. On June 10, he was quoted in a Christian Science Monitor story about how high earners may react to expected tax increases. On Aug. 9, his work was cited in Ezra Klein's blog at The Washington Post.
Richard Graham, associate professor and media services librarian, was quoted April 27 by CanWest News Service regarding a study examining the effects of TV on children's learning. The story circulated to several Canadian media outlets and daily newspapers, including the Vancouver Sun, the Calgary Herald, the Montreal Gazette and the Edmonton Journal.
Dicky Dee Griffin, veterinary medicine, was quoted in the New York Times on Sept. 21 regarding a panel's advice that the FDA perform more aggressive analysis of engineered salmon.
Michael Gruszczynski, political science, and colleagues had their research on the physiology of political participation featured Oct. 8 in New Scientist. On Oct. 29, ABCNews.com also mentioned the work in a roundup of election-year political studies. That story spread through numerous online and ABC broadcast affiliate platforms across the country.
Ron Hanson, agricultural economics, was featured by the Harrisonburg (Va.) Daily News-Record on March 18 about the issues involved in passing along the family farm.
Peter Harms, management, had his work showing that a person's tendency to describe others in positive terms is an important indicator of the positivity of their own personality traits and emotional stability featured in a number of outlets in August, including United Press International and WebMD.com. On Oct. 12, Harms' work on "dark side" personality traits and their relationship with leadership development was featured by CNN.com. On Oct. 20, the "dark side" study was written about by the Daily Telegraph of London and a host of online news outlets, including Business News Daily of New York. He also conducted interviews with media outlets in Portugal, Russia, Germany and Chile.
David Harwood, earth and atmospheric sciences, was featured on the PBS documentary program NOVA on Dec. 28. Harwood discussed ANDRILL, the state-of-the-art expedition that is drilling three quarters of a mile into the Antarctic sea floor to learn about climate and fauna from the distant past.
John Hibbing and Elizabeth Theiss-Morse, political science, were cited Jan. 25 by The Washington Post's Ezra Klein. The columnist described their 2002 book, "Stealth Democracy: Americans' Beliefs About How Government Should Work," as "the single most useful book for understanding why the (Ben) Nelson deal -- and the long political process -- did such terrible damage to the health-care bill."
John Hibbing, political science, was quoted March 22 by the Los Angeles Times about the rare faceoff between anti-immigration and anti-abortion forces in Nebraska in an article examining a contentious prenatal care bill at the Nebraska Legislature. On Dec. 21, he was quoted in a story about biology's role in politics in TIME, following the release of his study on the political nature of human attention.
Adam Houston, meteorology, was quoted in an April 15 article in USA TODAY about VORTEX 2, a study of the rotation in tornadoes using unmanned aerial drones, gearing up for its second season of study.
The International Water For Food Conference held in Lincoln on May 2-5 and the new Global Water For Food Institute at NU was referenced in a national Associated Press story on Gates Foundation CEO Jeffrey Raikes' keynote speech at the conference. The May 3 story appeared in dozens of print, broadcast and online media outlets, including Forbes.com, The Seattle Times, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Bloomberg Businessweek, the Riverside Press-Enterprise, MSN.com, USAToday.com, KOMONews.com, Yahoo! News, and numerous weblogs.
Patricia Kennedy, marketing, and Mary McGarvey, economics, had their research calculating how school food environments contributed to student obesity featured May 31 in The Washington Post.
Katherine Keppen, sophomore, was quoted by ABCNews.com on Jan. 13 about the increase of students opting to rent textbooks instead of buying and reselling them.
Aemal Khattak, civil engineering, was quoted June 23 by USA TODAY regarding his and colleagues' study of driver confusion in roundabouts.
Ken Kiewra, educational psychology, was quoted Feb. 9 in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette about how environmental factors can influence someone's development in a story about whether "genius" is genetic or nurtured. In mid-May, his study on perceptions and prevalence of cheating in high schools was featured by dozens of national print, online and broadcast outlets, including U.S. News and World Report, Yahoo! News, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, United Press International, LiveScience.com, HealthDay.com, and numerous weblogs, including Science and Religion Today. The story also was reported May 13 on ABC News radio's national broadcasts. On Aug. 11, he was quoted in USA TODAY regarding his research into how undergraduates study on computers and other digital tools. The Washington Post and The Associated Press also featured Kiewra's research. On Sept. 16, the New York Times quoted Kiewra and cited his work on note-taking in a story regarding education technology.
Ari Kohen, political science, was quoted by U.S. News and World Report on March 20 about how top universities deal with the onset of March Madness. Kohen described how he integrates the NCAA basketball tournament into his classes to spark participation from more passive students. On July 2, Kohen was quoted by The Atlantic about the contemporary relevance of political science.
Jesse Korus, groundwater resources coordinator in the School of Natural Resources, had his discovery of a minor spike in water levels at a well near Aurora corresponding to the Feb. 27 earthquake in Chile, and another corresponding to the Jan. 12 earthquake in Haiti, cited on the March 12 broadcast of the NBC Nightly News With Brian Williams.
Phyllis Larsen, advertising, was quoted as a representative for the campus group Husker Cats in a Dec. 1 Associated Press article about management of feral cats colonies. The story circulated nationally and appeared in several dozen print, online and broadcast outlets, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and the Chicago Tribune.
Tom Larson, music, was quoted Oct. 8 in the NPR weblog The Record about the history of the "fade-out" at the end of studio-produced songs. On Dec. 26, he was quoted by The Arizona Republic about Woody Guthrie's influence on contemporary rock artists.
Adam Liska, biological systems engineering, and Richard Perrin, agricultural economics, had their work on estimating the amount of greenhouse gas emissions created by the U.S. military to protect foreign oil featured July 19 by the New York Times' Green Blog. An accompanying news release on Perrin's and Liska's work circulated to dozens of online media outlets, including ScienceDaily.com, RedOrbit.com, PhysOrg.com and eScienceNews.com.
David Loope, geology, was quoted Nov. 10 by a number of news outlets, including Yahoo! News, about the discovery of a 350 million-year-old, four-legged amphibian's burrow in Pennsylvania.
Jason Lucht, student, was quoted in an Oct. 5 story in USA TODAY about UNL's participation in the You Are Loved Chalk Message project.
Fred Luthans, management, was quoted in an April 14 U.S. News and World Report story about the science of workplace happiness.
Nicole Narboni, music, was featured March 21 by The Associated Press about her Piano-in-Tow tour that aims to bring classical music to rural Nebraska towns. The story circulated nationally via AP and appeared in dozens of print, broadcast and online news outlets around the country. She also conducted a number of radio interviews about the project, including an appearance on Westwood One's America in the Morning with Jim Bohannon.
Darrel Martin, irrigation and water resources engineering, was quoted in a Nov. 26 New York Times obituary for Robert B. Daugherty, a Nebraska businessman who popularized center-pivot irrigation.
Linda Major, assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, was quoted regularly throughout 2010 about UNL's ongoing efforts and successes to curb binge drinking among student-age populations. The Lawrence Journal-World featured UNL's and Major's efforts in February with a weeklong series, and the Iowa City Press-Citizen quoted her in may about University of Iowa officials looking to UNL for guidance. The Washington Post also referred to UNL's efforts in February.
Peter Maslowski, history, was quoted June 21 in a national Associated Press story about the end stages of wars. Maslowski took part in a conference in Washington, D.C., that examined the ways American wars have ended and how those endings have influenced subsequent military actions and history. The story circulated nationally and appeared in hundreds of media outlets across the nation and world.
Ann Mari May, economics, authored an op-ed piece entitled "How Tenure Promotes Diversity" for the New York Times that was published Aug. 16. On Sept. 15, her research into the effect of unionization at major research universities on the proportion of female faculties over time was featured in The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Julia McQuillan, sociology, had her research on women's pregnancy intentions that found surprisingly significant ambivalence among U.S. women about getting pregnant featured by USA TODAY on May 6. The study also appeared in a number of online, print and broadcast outlets in early May, including FoxNews.com, Yahoo! News, Glamour, LiveScience.com, AOL Health, The Village Voice, the Chicago Sun-Times, Health.com and dozens of online news sites. On May 8, United Press International picked up the study and circulated it to hundreds of its member outlets, including dozens of radio stations across the country. On May 11, renewed versions of stories on the study appeared at U.S. News & World Report, The Arizona Republic and Yahoo! News. On May 13, the research was featured at CNN.com and at Jezebel.com.
Jonathan Miller, junior business management major, was quoted April 12 by Bloomberg BusinessWeek regarding a new entrepreneurship course regarding family businesses and taught by lecturer Dave Specht. The article focused on how some college students were choosing to move back into the family business following graduation.
Timothy Nelson, psychology, had his research on the effects of weight-related criticism on pre-adolescents featured by The Detroit News, LiveScience.com, MSNBC.com, Yahoo! News, the Associated Press and dozens of online news outlets and weblogs, including Softpedia.com, DrRobynSilverman.com, and PhysOrg.com, in early September.
Chancellor Harvey Perlman was quoted in the Feb. 2 edition of The Chronicle of Higher Education about President Obama's 2010-11 budget as it relates to colleges and universities. On Feb. 26, the university's plan to accept ideas for the future of the Industrial Arts Building at State Fair Park was featured in the "Buildings & Grounds" blog at Chronicle.com. http://chronicle.com/blogPost/A-Call-to-Save-an-Unusual/21468/
In mid-June, Chancellor Perlman appeared regularly and extensively in media outlets across the nation as the University of Nebraska-Lincoln petitioned for and was granted admittance into the Big Ten Conference. A June 11 news conference with Chancellor Perlman, Athletic Director Tom Osborne and Big Ten Commissioner Jim Delany was carried live on ESPN, the Big Ten Network and scores of online media outlets. Stories focusing on how UNL's academics fit into the Big Ten's core mission were featured in the Chicago Tribune and a number of media outlets across the Midwest, including the News-Gazette of Champaign. The following week, an op-ed by the chancellor was published in a number of Big Ten-area newspapers, including the Indianapolis Star, the Detroit News, the Patriot-News of Harrisburg, Pa., the News-Gazette of Urbana-Champaign, Ill., the Journal-Courier of Lafayette, Ind., the Iowa City Press-Citizen and the Lansing State Journal.
Jo Potuto, law, was quoted by USA TODAY on Dec. 2 about the NCAA's ruling regarding Auburn quarterback Cameron Newton's eligibility.
Jeffrey Raikes, alumnus, was the subject of a short Associated Press article on April 28 in advance of his commencement speech at UNL's Spring 2010 commencement. The story circulated nationally and appeared in a number of news outlets, including the Seattle Times, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, the San Francisco Examiner, Forbes, CNBC and Yahoo! News.
Brett Ratcliffe, entomology, was quoted Sept. 29 by LiveScience.com regarding the prevalence of stink bugs in the United States in the fall. The story circulated nationally and was published in a number of news outlets, including Yahoo! News, and MSNBC.com.
Paul Royster, UNL libraries, was quoted extensively in a June 13 story in The Chronicle of Higher Education in which digital repositories such as UNL's Digital Commons were examined in depth. Also featured in the piece was emeritus professor Robert Katz as an illustration of how years-old research can gain new readership through the power of a robust digital commons.
Bruce Sandhorst, Information Services, was quoted Sept. 13 in Inside Higher Ed about UNL's participation in Matterhorn, a pilot lecture-capture program.
Philip Schwadel, sociology, had his research on U.S. church attendance rates and the declining impact of Catholics, southerners and women on worship attendance cited by CNN.com on April 13. On April 15, his research was featured by Reuters News Service, which circulated a story globally and featured it prominently at MSNBC.com, ABCNews.com, CNBC.com, the Today Show's online edition and hundreds of other media outlets. The work also appeared on The Associated Press wire and several dozen science and religion Weblogs across the country, including Christianity Today, PhysOrg.com, scienceblog.com and NewsroomAmerica.com. On May 31, the Austin American-Statesman cited the study in a piece examining spirituality vs. religious attitudes. On July 26, the study was cited in a story on social networking by churches by the Montgomery Advertiser. On Aug. 6, his study regarding generational differences in loyalty to religion received wide play from Reuters News Service, which circulated a story globally that was featured at dozens of news sites and outlets, including ABCNews.com, MSNBC.com, Yahoo! News, Scientific American and the Vancouver Sun.
Doug Seefeldt, history, was quoted in The Chronicle of Higher Education on Oct. 5 regarding the Sustaining Digital History project, which is trying to make it easier for history scholars to publish digitally in well-established forums.
Dean Sicking, structural engineering, was quoted Feb. 14 by The Boston Globe about the safety standards of railing along the "Big Dig" project that has been involved in a number of deadly accidents.
Kevin Smith, political science, had his research into the political leanings of some humans particularly alert to threats and particularly primed to feel vulnerable and perceive danger cited by New York Times op-ed columnist Nicholas Kristof on Feb. 13. On Dec. 10, his work examining the political nature of human attention was featured at a number of weblogs and online media outlets, including FreeRepublic.com, Science Daily, and Yahoo! News.
Mitch Smith, freshman news-editorial major, was selected as the 2010 Win A Trip winner by New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof on March 11. He was mentioned in Kristof's March 11 column and his winning essay ran on Kristof's blog at nytimes.com the same day. He began blogging regularly for the Times on May 3.
Dave Specht, lecturer in family business management in the College of Business Administration, was quoted in Family Business Magazine's June cover story regarding what makes Duncan Aviation a unique family-owned business. On Aug. 1, he was quoted by the New York Times on the topic of college graduates returning to the family business instead of facing a difficult job market; the story appeared in a number of other newspapers nationwide after it appeared in the Times, including the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Paul Steger, director of the Carson School of Theatre and Film, and Sandy Veneziano, assistant professor, were cited in a Nov. 18 item in The Chronicle of Higher Education about the school's unique student/professional film project "Vipers In The Grass."
Jay Storz, biology, was quoted in a July 1 New Scientist article on the evolutionary changes occurring in high-altitude Tibetans. Discover Magazine also referenced the research on July 2. On July 26, he was quoted in a LiveScience.com article about the evolutionary factors leading eastern moles to avoid suffocation when they burrow; the article circulated nationally onto a number of partner sites, including the Christian Science Monitor and Science360.gov.
Jeyam Subbiah, biological systems engineering, had his research on microwave safety featured by The Associated Press. The story circulated nationally on Jan. 5-6 and appeared at ABCNews.com, The Miami Herald, The Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune, among dozens of others. On March 31, The Wall Street Journal quoted him about his research in a trend story about new microwave technologies.
Ndamukong Suh, alumnus, was the subject of national headlines in mid-April before the National Football League Draft when he announced a $2 million gift to UNL's athletic department and a $600,000 endowment to UNL's College of Engineering to establish a scholarship. The gift was the subject of a column by Associated Press national sports columnist Jim Litke, and Suh's donation was discussed by ESPN, Fox Sports Net, The Sporting News and dozens of other outlets, including the Chronicle of Higher Education.
Susan Swearer, educational psychology, appeared April 1 on KAZTV in Phoenix, Ariz., to discuss anti-bullying strategies for schools following the suicide death of a girl who was bullied. On April 8, she appeared in a story by United Press International about the need for schools and parents to address the connection between bullying and mental health. On April 27, she was quoted by the Chattanooga Times-Free Press on the link between bullying and suicide. On May 27, she was quoted by Education Week in a roundup story about studies examining the "ecology" of bullying. On June 18, she co-authored a short op-ed on the Massachusetts bullying case for Newsweek. On Aug. 20, she was quoted by the St. Petersburg Times about the root causes of juvenile sex offenses. In October, she was interviewed by CBS Sunday Morning in a story based on anti-bullying efforts at a Lincoln middle school. On Nov. 18, she was quoted in a national story on why bullying victims suffer in silence, which circulated to several media outlets, including Yahoo! News, Fox News and MSNBC.com.
William Thomas, history, was quoted May 1 in The New York Times regarding the decision to add Twitter posts to the Library of Congress archive.
Eric Thompson, economics, and director of the Bureau of Business Research, was cited Jan. 18 in a story by The Associated Press about the Nebraska Business Forecasting Council's estimates for the state over the next two years. The story circulated nationally and appeared at ABCNews.com, CBSNews.com, The New York Times, Forbes, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, Newsday, and the Detroit Free Press, among dozens of others. On Feb. 18, Thompson was quoted in a front-page USA TODAY cover story about the factors behind Lincoln's low unemployment rate compared with many other cities in the United States. On Feb. 26, he was quoted by ABCNews.com about the trucking industry's worry about a potential lack of drivers. On July 13, he was cited in a story by The Associated Press about the Nebraska Business Forecasting Council's estimates for the state over the next two and a half years. The story circulated nationally and appeared in dozens of media outlets, including Bloomberg BusinessWeek. On Aug. 6, he was quoted in a story on NPR's Morning Edition about Nebraska's relatively low unemployment.
John Toney, animal science, was quoted by The Chronicle of Higher Education on April 22 regarding the department's new practice of turning animal waste into reconditioned fertilizer and selling it. The Chronicle's Tweed blog linked to a Scarlet story on the same subject.
Emre Unlu, finance, was among a group of researchers that found that shares of companies benefited when they had celebrities as board members. Their work appeared March 24 in the New York Post as well as the Wall Street Journal's online edition. The research also appeared in a Sunday Times of London article and in the April 12 edition of Newsweek.
Stephen Vantassel, project coordinator for the Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management, was quoted in a Dec. 1 Associated Press story about management of feral cats. The story circulated nationally and appeared in several dozen print, online and broadcast outlets, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and the Chicago Tribune.
Robert Vavala, agronomy graduate student, had his research comparing undergraduate science students' perceptions of online vs. face-to-face courses featured by United Press International. The story circulated nationally and appeared in numerous media outlets the week of Nov. 22.
Rachelle Winkle-Wagner, educational administration, was featured in a Jan. 19 Q&A with InsideHigherEd.com regarding her new book, "The Unchosen Me: Race, Gender and Identity Among Black Women in College."
Mike Wagner, political science, was quoted Jan. 25 in the Boston Herald about President Obama's first year in office. He was quoted April 4 by Scripps Howard News Service about the politics of the health-care reform law's passage and what it means for Republicans' campaign strategies going into midterm elections, a story that moved to dozens of affiliate newspapers. On May 11, he was quoted extensively by CNN.com about the Republican resurgence in Nebraska following the 2008 elections. On May 30, he was quoted by the Providence Journal regarding the overheated nature of contemporary political discourse. In August, his study on how media markets influence "carved-out" voters in congressional races was cited on numerous online media outlets and weblogs. On Oct. 1, he was quoted by The Associated Press in a story about a Hawaiian congressional candidate using religious code words in his campaign sloganeering. On Oct. 29, he penned a guest editorial for The Hill about the breathless myths and stodgy realities of the 2010 election. On Dec. 21, his work and several quotes on "carved-out" voters was included in CNN.com's main story about congressional reapportionment in light of new Census figures.
David Watkins, geosciences, was quoted Aug. 4 in the New York Times regarding the Obama administration's moratorium on deepwater drilling and its effect on micropaleontology in the Gulf.
Brian Wilcox, director of UNL's Center on Children, Families and the Law, was quoted in a Feb. 11 Gannett News Service editorial about various states' laws being biased against young people. The opinion piece ran in several newspapers around the nation, including the Arizona Republic and the Providence (R.I.) Journal.
Yiqi Yang, textile chemistry, was quoted Aug. 10 by The Washington Post in a story examining new trends and developments in athletic wear.