UNL’s eighth annual Mid-Semester Check for first year students is Sept. 17 to 20. The program highlights and reminds students of academic expectations while providing information on advising resources.
Mid-Semester check is offered in two sessions, 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m., each night in the Nebraska Union.
Faculty and staff will lead workshops that offer recommendations for success in large classes, success in college mathematics courses, undergraduate research opportunities, education abroad, choosing a major, preparing for health professions, time management, financial management, preparing for an internship and working with an academic adviser.
Mid-Semester Check was created based on recommendations made in a December 2003 report from the Transitions to University Task Force. The report, "Everyone a Learner, Everyone a Teacher," recommended a follow-up orientation to New Student Enrollment in the fifth week of classes for first-year students.
The event provides students a guided opportunity for a timely review of academic responsibilities and college and major requirements once they are on campus. It is a key to retaining students from one year to the next because it encourages students to become more engaged and utilize resources.
Approximately 2,000 students attended last year’s Mid-Semester Check.
Find out more at http://events.unl.edu/2012/09/18/70874/.