Today@UNL | Homecoming parade, pep rally today; Ross hosts free Chinese film festival

Students from Sigma Nu, Delta Gamma and Alpha Gamma Rho work on a homecoming yard display on Sept. 27.
Students from Sigma Nu, Delta Gamma and Alpha Gamma Rho work on a homecoming yard display on Sept. 27.

Homecoming parade, pep rally are today

The UNL Homecoming parade is 6 to 7 p.m. today. The theme is "Once Upon a Homecoming." A pep rally, which will include the "Homecoming Jester" competition, follows the parade, 7 to 8:30 p.m. on the Nebraska Union Plaza. On Sept. 30, homecoming displays and floats will be taken apart and recycled. Continue reading…


Lambrecht retirement reception is Oct. 1

A retirement reception for Fred Lambrecht is 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Oct. 1 in Harper Dining Center conference room C. Lambrecht, a residence hall custodian in the Harper-Schramm-Smith-Village complex, has worked at UNL for 42 years. His last day as a UNL employee is today.
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Forum on 2012 drought is Oct. 2

Michael Hayes (left), director of UNL's  National Drought Mitigation Center at the School of Natural Resources, discusses the 2012 drought as UNL Extension educator Sharon Skipton looks on during a briefing earlier this year.A panel from the National Drought Mitigation Center will present “Tracking the 2012 Drought: Nebraska and Beyond” at 7 p.m. Oct. 2 in Hardin Hall auditorium. The presentation, which includes a 6:30 p.m. reception, is free and open to the public. Continue reading…


Putnam is Thompson Forum speaker Oct. 2

Robert PutnamAn acclaimed author and political scientist known for helping influence the way people think about the fabric of American society will deliver the first of this year’s E.N. Thompson Forum on World Issues. Robert Putnam, professor of public policy at Harvard University, will talk at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 2. Continue reading…

Originally published September 28, 2012 - Submit an Item