UNL master plan consultants are offering faculty, staff and students the opportunity to use an online mapping tool to highlight how they use campus.
The online mapping system — the MyCampus Tool, available at http://sasakistrategies.com/UNL — allows people to enter specific information about their habits on City and East campuses. The website allows users to identify important landmarks, areas where they like to socialize, favorite outdoor recreation areas, preferred parking sites, transportation routes, and campus spaces where they do or do not feel safe.
The planning/design firm Sasaki Associates of Watertown, Mass., is leading UNL's update of the campus master physical plan and landscape master plan project. The online mapping tool is offered by Sasaki. The firm spent the summer gathering information about UNL. That information was presented during open houses on Sept. 12 and 13. Project leaders from Sasaki also collected additional information during those open house sessions.
"The MyCampus Tool is a way to provide input so the consultants have a better understanding on how our campus is used," said Jennifer Dam, assistant director of campus planning and space management. "It will show definite patterns of use and the information gathered will be used to plan campus for the future. This is a great opportunity for faculty, staff, students and the public to help shape that plan."
More than 430 MyCampus entries had been submitted as of the morning of Oct. 1. Dam said campus planners would like to get more than 1,000 MyCampus submissions by mid-October.
The consultants will return to campus later this month to present findings and gather additional information to finalize the master plans. Final public presentations are planned for spring.
The plans will also be presented online for feedback in the fall.
Dam said campus administrators hope to have the plans ready for presentation to the University of Nebraska Board of Regents by late spring or early summer.
For more information on the master physical and landscape plans, go to the "Plan Big" website, http://planbig.unl.edu.
Dam said faculty, staff and students can also submit written feedback about campus through the website.