Faculty using technology-driven learning are presented in an online showcase, "Faculty and Student Technology (FAST)". The website, produced by Information Services Technology Transforming Teaching, highlights technologies and methods used by UNL faculty to meet learning objectives.
"There's many instructors at UNL using technology in the classroom and online," said Leona Barratt, Technology Training Services Associate. "The FAST showcase is a way to for faculty to share ideas and methods that lead to successful learning outcomes."
The FAST site presents instructor profiles in an circuit board jukebox format that allows the user to select an individual instructor to hear their case study.
Gary Lynne, professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics, uses classroom clickers to gauge learning and to tailor classroom lectures to the needs of the students.
"Students like to hear what other students are thinking," said Lynne. "Especially if it's a controversial issue."
"T3 works with a number of instructors in leveraging the technical tools that we have," said Heath Tuttle, Assistant Director for Learning Technologies, Information Services. "There is a lot of power behind these tools to create a more interactive learning environment--whether it's the functionality of Blackboard, classroom clickers or other online tools."
Plans are under way to add additional UNL faculty profiles. "We've been getting the word out," said Barratt. "And we've also gotten quite a bit of interest and web traffic from other universities interested in what we're doing."
"Technology doesn't replace instruction," said Kathy Castle, lecturer, Department of Communications Studies, in her online module. "I have integrated technology and it has helped me be a more effective and engaged instructor."
To view the FAST showcase go to http://is.unl.edu/fast