Jamie Reimer, assistant professor of voice, has been elected regional officer for Region 3 of the Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity.
Eight regional officers are elected from the fraternity membership and serve a three-year term. The regional officer supervises all fraternity business in the region. Region 3 includes Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin and part of Illinois.
SAI promotes interaction among those who share a commitment to music. Members are active in all areas of campus music and campus life.
Reimer, a soprano, is highly regarded as a performer, teacher and scholar, appearing regularly in opera, oratorio and recital venues around the country.
Her research was published in recent articles in the "Journal of Singing," the "Journal of the International Alliance for Women in Music" and "Pan Pipes." She is also a frequent presenter of her work throughout the country and abroad.
Reimer received her D.M.A. and M.M. degrees from UNL and her undergraduate degrees from Hastings College.
She has taught at UNL since 2008. Prior to UNL she taught at Midland Lutheran College (now Midland University) in Fremont, Neb.