Brian Moore, associate professor of music education, has been accepted into the Apple Distinguished Educator program.
The ADE program began in 1994 when Apple recognized K-12 and higher education pioneers who use a variety of Apple products to transform teaching and learning. The program has grown to include more than 2,000 visionary educators and innovative leaders who are using technology in new ways in and out of the classroom.
Moore has been with UNL since 1986. He coordinates the music technology offerings in the School of Music and the music technology minor.
His special areas of interest include creativity, composition and instructional technology. He is active as a clinician having conducted numerous festivals, workshops and seminars throughout the country. He is the author of two chapters of Dimensions of Musical Thinking, and a chapter in Why and How to Teach Music Composition: A New Horizon for Music Education, both published by MENC.
Moore’s involvement with Music In Education, a program sponsored by the Yamaha Corporation of America, as well as instructional software development have gained him national recognition in the field of music technology. His work in software development continues to focus upon music education, composition, and mobile devices and teaching.
For more information on the ADE program, go to