Today@UNL | Team aims to create higher-quality nanofibers; upgrade of door locks scheduled

A UNL team led by Yuris Dzenis (left) is making continuous carbon nanofibers, which offer advantages over nanotubes alone in structural materials. Images on the right are from Northwestern University via ACS Nano.
A UNL team led by Yuris Dzenis (left) is making continuous carbon nanofibers, which offer advantages over nanotubes alone in structural materials. Images on the right are from Northwestern University via ACS Nano.

Team aims to create high-quality, lower-cost nanofibers

University of Nebraska-Lincoln engineers, led by Yuris Dzenis (above), have demonstrated a promising new way to exploit the unusual structure and properties of carbon nanotubes more easily and less expensively. Continue reading…

Originally published March 14, 2013 - Submit an Item