UNL will upgrade NCard-activated door locks from 5 to 7 p.m. March 18-20. The upgrade will result in short periods of time when access via the card-activated doors will be unavailable.
The work is the first part of an upgrade to the Andover card access system.
Any outage should last only for a few minutes. All lock upgrades will be performed after normal working hours. The outages could extend into the following day if an issue arises during the replacement process.
The schedule to upgrade card-activated door locks is:
Monday, March 18 — Architecture Hall, Manter Hall, Facilities Management and Planning; Teachers College, Behlen Labs, Avery Hall, Facilities Management Shops, Lied Center for Performing Arts, Hamilton Hall, University Child Care Center, Military and Naval Science Building, Morrill Hall, University Health Center, 501 Building and the Schorr Center
Tuesday, March 19 — Love Library, Canfield Administration Building, Nebraska Union, International Quilt Study Center and Museum, Hardin Hall (south), Chase Hall, Warehouse One
Wednesday, March 20 — Andersen Hall, Othmer Hall, Temple Building, Walter Scott Engineering Center, Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center, Van Brunt Visitors Center, Nebraska Hall (east), Alexander Building, Business Services, Animal Science (east and west), Life Science Annex, Dental College, Keim Hall, Law College, Miller Hall, Vet Basic/Diagnostic, Food Industry Complex, Morrison Hall and Varner Hall.
For more information or to discuss concerns of events that would be impacted by an outage, contact Lora Meyers at 402-472-0591.