Student UCARE applications due April 9

UCARE supports opportunities for undergraduates, working under the direction of faculty, to participate in UNL research or creative activities.
UCARE supports opportunities for undergraduates, working under the direction of faculty, to participate in UNL research or creative activities.

The Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences program is accepting online applications for the 2013-2014 academic year and 2013 summer programs.

Student applications are due by 2 p.m. April 9.

UCARE supports opportunities for undergraduates, working under the direction of faculty, to participate in UNL research or creative activities. Through UCARE, undergraduate researchers are introduced to the research process. As emerging scholars at UNL, undergraduates have the opportunity to learn how to be effective researchers.

Faculty advisers work with undergraduate researchers to determine a work schedule and define expectations through the development of benchmarks.

The undergraduate research assistant may work with faculty advisers or a designee (i.e., postdoc or graduate student) on an existing or ongoing research project, assuming a small portion of that project; conduct a secondary analysis of a research dataset that has been previously collected; or develop an individual research project that is of special interest to the student. Faculty advisers may work with one or two individual students, or may have students submit a team proposal.

For more information, go to or email