Campus lectures for the week March 30 to April 5
Monday, April 1
Engineering Alumnus Lecture, "First Year Programs in Mechanical Engineering Technology at Pittsburgh State University," David Miller, Pittsburgh State, 1:30 p.m., 237 Scott Engineering Center. Call 402-472-5600
Lecture, “Maternal Behavior in Humans and Non-Human Animals,” Alison Fleming, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, 3:30 p.m., Burnett Hall.
Plant Pathology Seminar, "EFR-Induced Plant Immunity Can Be Effective Against the Plant Pathogen Pseudomonas syringae," Fan Yang, Alfano Research Group, 4 p.m., 264 Keim Hall.
Tuesday, April 2
Entomology Lecture, “Over-summering (Green Bridge) Ecology of the Wheat Curl Mite,” Justin McMechan, graduate student, 4 p.m., Entomology Hall. Call 402-472-2123
Biochemistry and Redox Biology Center Seminar, "Conformational Selection in Trypsin-Like Proteases," Enrico Di Cera, 4 p.m., N172 Beadle Center. Call 402-472-3173
Nebraska Visiting Presidential Professor Lecture, “Desire Lines in the Mind,” Jonathan Fineberg, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 5:30 p.m., Sheldon Museum of Art.
Wednesday, April 3
Nebraska Gateway to Nutrigenomics Seminar, “A New Mechanism for Treating Obesity: Targeting a Master Regulator for Lipid Synthesis,” Lufti Abu-Elheiga, Baylor University, noon, East Union. Call 402-472-3862
Animal Science Seminar, "Impression vs. Reality in the World of Food Safety," Richard Raymond, USDA, noon, B101 Animal Sciences Complex. Call 402-472-6457
Agricultural Economics Seminar, “Current and Emerging Issues for Agriculture and Resource Policy,” Robbin Shoemaker, USDA, 3 p.m., East Union. Call 402-472-2757
Water Seminar Series, "Implications for Water, Food and Energy from the Latest IPCC Climate Simulations,” Lawrence Buja, National Center for Atmospheric Research, 3:30 p.m., Hardin Hall. Call 402-472-7372
Biotechnology/Life Sciences Seminar, “Ubiquitination at the Endoplasmic Reticulum and Mitochondria: Insights into Ubiquitin Ligase Function and Cancer Cell Biology,” Allan Weissman, National Cancer Institute, 4 p.m., Beadle Center. Call 402-472-2635
Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience Seminar Series, “Superconductor-Insulator Transitions and Enhancement of Superconductivity by a Parallel Magnetic Fie,” Jeff Gardner, Florida State University, 4 p.m., 136 Jorgensen Hall. Call 402-472-2716
Thursday, April 4
Biochemistry Graduate Student Seminar, Shelbi Christgen, noon, Beadle Center. Call 402-472-2932
Discipline-Based Education Research Seminar, “Educative Supports for Teachers in Middle School Mathematics Curriculum Materials: What is Offered and How It is Expressed,” Lorraine Males, UNL, 2 p.m., 219 Bessey Hall.
Biological Sciences/Chemistry Colloquium, “Farmers and Their Bacterial Symbionts,” Jon Glardy, Harvard University, 3:30 p.m., Hamilton Hall. Call 402-472-3523
Lecture and Book Signing, “Find and Good and Praise It,” Julie Dash, filmmaker/author, 7 p.m., Sheldon Museum of Art. Call 402-472-1663
Friday, April 5
Nebraska Lecture, “Football: Its Physics and Future,” 12:15 p.m., West Stadium Club, Memorial Stadium. Call 402-472-0030
Geography General Seminar, “The Metageographic Community Model,” Katherine Nashleanas, UNL, 2 p.m., 163 Hardin Hall. Call 402-472-7531
Geography General Seminar, “Using GIS to Identify Food Deserts,” Kathryn Pfaffle, graduate student, 2 p.m., 163 Hardin Hall. Call 402-472-7531
Open Indigo Sampling Studio with Jay Rich and Barbara Rieke Turner, 2 to 6 p.m., 22 Home Economics Building. Call 507-382-8306
Biological Sciences/Chemistry Colloquium, “Bacterial Symbionts Geochemical Cycles and the Evolution of Animals,” Jon Clardy, Harvard University, 3:30 p.m., 112 Hamilton Hall. Call 402-472-3523
Hoagland Lecture with Jim Messina, former campaign manager for Pres. Obama, and Jeff Zeleny, UNL alumnus and senior political correspondent for ABC News, 4:30 p.m., Nebraska Union Auditorium. Call 402-472-3964
First Friday Talk, “Woven Art of Indonesia: Makers, Meaning and Significance,” Barbara Turner, 6 p.m. (museum open 5 to 7 p.m.), Hillestad Textiles Gallery, Home Economics Building. Call 402-472-6370