Campus lectures for the week of April 6-12
Monday | April 8
Workshop, “Photoshop Tips and Tricks,” 11 a.m., Architecture Hall. Register at http://go.unl.edu/techtraining. Call 402-472-6163
Plant Pathology Seminar, "Stress Biology of Extremophobic Fungi," Jyothi Kumar, doctoral student; and " Characterizing GATA Factor Control of Nitrogen Scavenging by the Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae and Its Implications for Hemibiotrophy," Margarita Marroquin, doctoral student, 4 p.m., 264 Keim Hall.
Thomas C. Sorensen Policy Seminar, “In the Middle Class but Single and Living Alone: What are the Economic, Racial, and Political Implications?” Kris Marsh, University of Maryland, 4:30 p.m., Burnett Hall. Call 402-472-3147
Tuesday | April 9
Lecture, “Culture and Measurement Error in Health Surveys,” Tim Johnson, 1 p.m., Gaughan Multicultural Center. Call 402-472-7218
Heuermann Lecture, “The Global Food System and Related Policy Challenges,” J. Thomas Clark, Cornell University, 3:30 p.m., Hardin Hall. Call 402-472-3031
Biochemistry and Redox Biology Center Seminar, “Mitochondrial Fission, Fusion and Stress,” Alexander van der Bliek, UCLA, 4 p.m., N172 Beadle Center. Call 402-472-3173
Entomology Lecture, “Ethnoentomology: Insects and Human Folklore,” Kyle Koch, graduate student, 4 p.m., Entomology Hall. Call 402-472-2123
History Lecture, “Researching North America: Sir Humphrey Gilbert’s 1583 Expedition and a Reexamination of Elizabethan Colonization in the North Atlantic World,” Nate Probasco, doctoral candidate, 5 p.m., 202 Andrews Hall.
Composting Workshop, UNL Extension, 6:30 p.m., Bess Dodson Walt Library, 6701 S. 14th St. Call 402-472-7180
Wednesday | April 10
Water Seminar Series, “Recent Variations in Low-Temperature and Moisture Constraints on Vegetation in the Southwestern United States,” Jeremy Weiss, University of Arizona, 3:30 p.m., Hardin Hall. Call 402-472-7372
Seminar, “Climbing the Academic Ladder — Attending Graduate and Professional School,” 3:30 p.m., Gaughan Multicultural Center.
Sociology Lecture, "Adolescence, Peers and the Challenges of High School," Robert Crosnoe, University of Texas at Austin, 3:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. Call 402-472-3631.
Biotechnology/Life Sciences Seminar Series, “Whole Genome Duplications and the Origin of Novelty,” J. Chris Pires, University of Missouri, 3:30 p.m., Beadle Center. Call 402-472-2635
Thursday | April 11
NSF CAREER Award Seminar, Lucy Deckard, Academic Research Funding Strategies, 8:30 a.m., East Union. Call 402-472-3123
Biochemistry Graduate Student Seminar with Ryan Grove, noon, E228 Beadle Center. Call 402-472-2932
Laboratory Safety Colloquium, “Enhancing Laboratory Safety,” Craig Merlic, UCLA, 1:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. Call 402-472-5488
Biological Sciences Seminar, “Whole Genome Duplications and the Origin of Novelty,” Chris Pires, University of Missouri, 3:30 p.m., Hamilton Hall. Call 402-472-2729
Interdisciplinary Arts Symposium Lecture, David Herskovits, founder and artistic director of Target Margin Theater, 3:30 p.m., Gaughan Multicultural Center. Call 402-472-5186
Friday | April 12
Agricultural Economics Seminar, Keri Jacobs, Iowa State University, 3 p.m., Filley Hall. Call 402-472-2757
Chemistry Colloquium, “Copper and Palladium Based Oxidative Coupling Strategies,” Craig Merlic, UCLA, 3:30 p.m., Hamilton Hall. Call 402-472-3523
Anthropology Colloquium, "How Does 3D Work and What Can It Do For You," James Coltrain, 3:30 p.m., 907 Oldfather Hall. Call 402-472-2411