"Trashed," an investigative documentary about the garbage industry, one of the fastest growing industries in North America, will be shown free of charge at 4:50 p.m. April 25 at The Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center.
The film, starring Jeremy Irons, examines risks to the food chain and the environment through pollution of the air, land and sea.
"Trashed" reveals surprising truths about immediate and potent dangers to the health of consumers. It features a global conversation and ends on a message of hope for the future.
Academy Award winning actor Irons is no stranger to taking center stage. But his role as guide in "Trashed" highlighting solutions to the pressing environmental problems facing us all could well be his most important yet, producers of the film have said.
"We've made this movie because there are so many people who feel strongly the urgent need for the problem of 'waste' and 'sustainability' to be addressed," Irons said. "There is an equally urgent need for the most imaginative and productive solutions to this troublesome subject to be understood and shared by as many communities as possible throughout the world.
"This is where movies can play such an important role, educating society, bringing 'difficult' subjects to the broadest possible audience."
More details at: http://www.trashedfilm.com/