UNL's "Emeriti Event: Oral History" series continues today with Irv Omtvedt, former vice chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The interview, led by Dan Wheeler, president of the UNL Emeriti Association, is 2:30 to 3:30 p.m., in the Wick Alumni Center.
Omtvedt, who retired in 2000 after a 25-year career at UNL, will discuss IANR and East Campus events he experienced firsthand.
The Oral History series is a collaborative effort between the Emeriti Association, Nebraska Alumni Association and the University Libraries. The interviews are free, with refreshments provided.
The first Oral History interview on Jan. 27 featured John "Jack" Goebel, faculty emeritus. Images from the Goebel interview are available at http://go.unl.edu/fvy.
For more information on the interview series, go to http://go.unl.edu/7fr.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/7fr