The Parking Office is accepting parking permit applications for the 2010-11 academic year. Permits for the current term expire on Aug. 15.
Faculty/staff parking permit holders will notice two main upgrades as the 2010-11 permits transition from hang tags to re-positionable stickers and the expiration date shifts to meet the fiscal year.
The permits for 2010-11 will be printed on a "window cling" material and must be positioned in the lower corner of the window on the driver's side.
"The re-positionable sticker attaches to the window and makes the permit more visible," said Dan Carpenter, director of Parking and Transit Services. "The new permit design is also more durable than the hangtag design."
The expiration date for parking permits in the 2010-11 academic year will shift from August to June. Carpenter said the change will eliminate workload pressures caused by issuing faculty/staff and student permits all at the same time.
"By shifting the expiration date for faculty/staff permits to the end of the fiscal year, it allows us to get those permits processed and have additional time to focus on students," said Carpenter. "It is also a benefit to faculty who have nine-month appointments."
Because the 2010-11 annual permits are valid for 10 and a half months, prices will be adjusted to reflect the shorter term. The annual faculty/staff permit term will return to 12 months for 2011-12, valid from June 2011 to June 2012. Carpenter said nine-month and fall semester permits remain available.
The changes to a re-positionable sticker and expiration date will help with a transition to a multiple-year permit option that is being planned by Parking and Transit Services officials.
Permits for the 2010-11 academic year can be renewed or purchased online at http://parking.unl.edu or at the Parking and Transit Services Office in the Stadium Drive Garage.
Employees renewing or purchasing a permit must have their NU identification number (found on the NCard) and current vehicle information (license plate number, state, color, make, model and year). The information should be provided for every vehicle an employee plans to have on campus.
To be guaranteed receipt of a permit before the Aug. 15 expiration date, orders must be placed before Aug. 6.
For more information go to http://parking.unl.edu or call 472-1800.
- Troy Fedderson, University Communications
More details at: http://parking.unl.edu