Chancellor Harvey Perlman has appointed a search committee and updated a timeline for the search for the new senior vice chancellor for Academic Affairs. A new website, http://svcaasearch.unl.edu, is created as a destination for candidates to learn more about the position and the university.
The chancellor e-mailed faculty this week to outline an aggressive timeline and solicit input on candidates. The committee plans to advertise nationally in September, spend the fall recruiting, conduct airport interviews in November, and conclude the search with on-campus interviews between Thanksgiving and the holiday break.
"We are pursuing this aggressive timeline in order to get ahead of similar searches at other institutions," Perlman said. He plans to update the campus community at important points in the search process.
"The active participation of the faculty and staff will be the single most important ingredient in a successful search," Perlman said in his e-mail.
Also, a designated website for the search has been established for potential candidates, at http://svcaasearch.unl.edu/.
"I appreciate the work of Dr. Ellen Weissinger in carrying out the duties of the Senior Vice Chancellor and for agreeing to chair this important search," he said.
SVCAA Search Committee members are:
Ellen Weissinger, Chair of Committee, Interim Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs; Rick Alloway, Associate Professor, Broadcasting; Susan Belasco, Professor, English; Patrice Berger, Director, University Honors Program; Cal Garbin, Professor, Psychology; Aaron Holz, Assistant Professor, Art and Art History; John Lindquist, Associate Professor, Agronomy and Horticulture and Faculty Senate Chair; Anthony Starace, Professor, Physics and Astronomy; Lily Wang, Associate Professor, Architectural Engineering; Xiao Cheng Zeng, Professor, Chemistry; Marjorie Kostelnik, Dean, College of Education and Human Sciences; Donde Plowman, Dean, College of Business Administration; Anna Shavers, Associate Dean, College of Law; Elaine Westbrooks, Associate Dean, University Libraries; Sheila Elijah, HDR Architects Inc.; Laura Lynch, Executive President, Graduate Student Association; Jane Schneider, Fellowship Specialist, Graduate Studies; Justin Solomon, President, ASUN.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/y87