Licensed financial adviser Peter Bielagus, known as "The Go To Guy For Young People and Their Money," is coming to UNL on Sept. 15 to present a series of financial presentations. Bielagus' visit will include a talk at 7:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union.
The talk is free for all UNL students with a valid NCard and $4 for faculty, staff and the public. Sponsors are the University Program Council and the UNL Student Money Management Center.
Bielagus, a 20-something who himself was $5,000 in credit card debt his freshman year of college began touring the country three years ago trying to dissuade college students from making the same mistakes with the finances as he did.
"When I arrived on campus, I signed up for every credit card they threw in front of me," he said. "No one ever told me this hurts my credit score. No one ever told me I even had a credit score."
Bielagus chronicled his journey out of the debt dungeon by writing "Getting Loaded: A Complete Personal Finance Guide For Students And Young Professionals."
As one of the few professional speakers committed exclusively to this niche, Bielagus travels to colleges, universities, military bases and corporations worldwide, introducing individuals to their financial lives.
"Most Americans, let alone most college students don't know what their credit score is." Bielagus said. "This number literally determines how expensive your life will be and will affect your ability to get a job. I try to inform people of the financial information they need to know before they need to know it."
UNL students can sign up for a limited number of 20-minute personal credit report consultations with Bielagus Sept. 15. The online registration form to schedule a consultation can be found at
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