Today@UNL | Digs' wins screenplay contest; Obituary: Gerry Shapiro

Theater and film student Aaron Nix (left) receives instructions from camera assistant Bob Heine during filming of the first Carson film.
Theater and film student Aaron Nix (left) receives instructions from camera assistant Bob Heine during filming of the first Carson film.

'Digs' wins Theatre and Film screenplay competition

A screenplay written by Michael Harthen has been selected winner of the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film's screenplay competition. Pre-production on "Digs" begins immediately. The film will be the second in the Carson School Film Series. Continue reading…


Safety committee open forum is Oct. 18

university_gates.jpgThe Chancellor's University Safety Committee is holding an open forum meeting, 3 to 4:30 p.m., Oct. 18 in the Nebraska Union. The forum is designed for faculty and staff to share concerns or just observe how the committee operates. Continue reading…

Originally published October 17, 2011 - Submit an Item