A new UNL Extension website offers a gateway into a variety of research-based information about food.
"Food.unl.edu connects Nebraskans to information, resources and food experts from farm to fork," said UNL Extension Educator Alice Henneman.
The site features the latest food- and nutrition-related stories from UNL, as well as an activities calendar and links to information about topics including food safety, food allergies, local foods, meat products, home food preservation, food processing/business development, youth/4-H and more. The site also offers links to information about UNL food research and graduate and undergraduate educational opportunities.
"UNL Extension long has been a leader in providing unbiased, research-based information about food and nutrition to Nebraskans," Henneman said. "This new website gathers that expertise in one easy-to-access site."
- Dan Moser, IANR News Service
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/9cw