National media outlets featured and cited UNL sources on a number of topics in the past month. Appearances included:
Charles Braithwaite in communication studies, 2011 graduate Kyle Basarich and communications major Elizabeth Kinnel were quoted in an Oct. 26 USA TODAY College story about how intercultural video chatting can help bridge global cultures.
John Gates, hydrology, appeared Oct. 7 on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation about what the proposed Keystone XL pipeline will mean for Nebraska's groundwater.
James Goeke, hydrology, wrote an op-ed that appeared in the New York Times on Oct. 4 about the nature of the Ogallala aquifer and the controversy surrounding the proposed Keystone XL pipeline through it.
Peter Harms, management, had his research into the nature of mentorship featured by Business News Daily of New York on Oct. 19.
Ari Kohen, political science, was quoted in an Oct. 17 story about universities using Twitter for customer service. In late October, he was quoted and cited in a number of stories about the inaugural Chicago Conference on Jersey Shore Studies, at which he was a presenter.
Julia McQuillan, sociology, had her research into American men's views on the importance of fatherhood appear in a number of media outlets in mid-October. Stories on the work appeared at, Forbes and CBS News.
Dean Sicking, director of the Midwest Roadside Safety Facility, was quoted in an Oct. 18 ESPN story about the death of IndyCar racer Dan Wheldon following a crash during a race in Las Vegas.
Rob Simon, marketing, was quoted in a national Associated Press story Oct. 11 about a Nebraska hardware chain's "Zombie Preparedness Center" promotion for Halloween.
Kevin Smith and John Hibbing, political science, had their research that examined the propensity for disgust and political orientation featured by Wired magazine on Oct. 21. The research also was featured by the London Daily Mail, LiveScience, and Yahoo! News on Oct. 27.
William Thomas, history, was quoted about the Transcontinental Railroad in the Wall Street Journal's Oct. 26 preview of the new AMC series "Hell On Wheels."
This is a monthly column featuring UNL faculty and staff in the national news. National media often work with University Communications to identify and connect with UNL sources for the purpose of including the university's research, expertise and programming in published or broadcasted work.
Faculty, administration, student and staff appearances in the national media are logged at
If you have suggestions for national news stories, contact Steve Smith at (402) 472-4226 or